Why it's important to build rapport: Tips & Examples
Building relationships with others in which both parties feel supported and understood is a key part of building rapport. It is an important skill to have during interviews when networking and developing your career. Improving rapport takes time but it is worth it to help you achieve your career goals.

Why is building rapport important?
You might be surprised to learn that you can advance your career by developing relationships through rapport. Here are some relationships that can benefit from good rapport: Relationships with inspirational people, key stakeholders, possible connections and hiring managers.
Relationships with these types of people benefit from good rapport as they might be a future mentor, they could open up new opportunities or they could help you become more efficient at your job.
How to build rapport
Building rapport takes time and effort. Here are a few tips you can use to build rapport:
Find times to connect
Be friendly & genuine
Ask questions about the person’s work or interests
Remember their name & other important personal details
Answer questions about yourself
Use welcoming body language
Give your contact information
Be respectful of their time
During Interviews
It is a good idea to build a good rapport with the people you meet during a hiring process. From the moment you enter the building for a job interview, it is important to be kind and welcoming to anyone you meet. Starting to build relationships can increase your chances of getting the job. This is because hiring managers and others get the chance to see who you are through the connections you make and the good nature you portray.
During an interview, it is always best to take your lead from the interviewer. You can match your tone and delivery of answers to theirs i.e. if they are asking short and to the point questions, provide them with a to the point answer. Everyone knows it looks good to ask questions about the job in an interview but not everyone thinks to try and make more of a personal connection such as a shared interest or hobby. Active listening and good body language such as eye contact can also help to create a genuine connection.
In the workplace
It is likely that you will naturally form connections with some co-workers – some colleagues even become a second family to many. Whereas other connections at work take more time and effort to build a rapport with.
You can find ways to naturally build rapport at work by:
Finding the right moments to have casual conversations. Talking about work with your colleagues is a part of your job, yet another key element of work-life is building relationships. To do this you can ask a colleague before a meeting how their weekend was or if they have any plans for the week.
Remember details and actively listen. Showing interest in someone else’s life and the stories they tell is a really important factor in building rapport. If you remember details about someone, bring them up in your next conversation to show that you were paying attention and that you care. Eventually will help you learn and understand how others work and think.
Building rapport cannot happen overnight, it takes time and consistent effort. However, there are steps you can begin to take now to help yourself. Rapport and genuine relationships are important as they can help you understand the best way to communicate with others and potentially further your career.