
Helping candidates find the perfect job

At Blakeney Point, we put the candidates at the heart of what we do. Have a look at how we can assist you from start to finish.

At a glance


We have excellent relationships with candidates across the UK whom use us time and time again as their careers develop.


We have over 30 years of experience working in the Food and Drinks Manufacturing industry with a comprehensive network of clients.


We are an ethical and compassionate recruiter that specialises in senior management positions.


Our service to you

Blakeney Point treats all our candidates with the same care regardless of their level. As a business we understand that all candidates are individuals and have their own needs and requirements that we need to accommodate to ensure a strong working relationship.

It's about you

Supporting you

Our team will work through any queries or concerns you might face during recruitment. We meet with all our candidates wherever possible and you will always have a mobile number for the recruiter who is looking after you. We will be very open and honest with feedback to help you.

Our process


Get in touch

Speak to a member of our team today so we can learn more about you and what you are looking for.


Find the role

We'll shortlist all vacancies we have available from our wide network of clients and liase with you on the right role.



We'll arrange your interview and support you where we can to secure that dream job!