The Dos and Don'ts of the Second Interview

Ace your second interview with these fun and essential dos and don'ts, ensuring you're fully prepped, engaging, and leaving a memorable impression to land that dream job!

Lucy Walsh
Posted on

The Dos

Prepare Thoroughly

- Practice Your Commute: Conduct a trial run to the interview location to ensure you know the exact travel time.

- Embrace "More": Compared to the first interview, expect more preparation, more people, more questions, more intensity, and more pressure.

- Deepen Your Research: Go beyond your initial research. Reach out to alumni from your school or connections who work at the company for insider information.

- Clarify the Agenda: If it's not been provided, contact your interview coordinator to find out the schedule and who will be interviewing you, so you know what to expect.

- Prioritise Rest and Refreshment: Get a good night’s sleep beforehand. During breaks, refresh yourself—splash water on your face, take a brisk walk, or carry small toiletries to stay fresh. Maintain your energy, confidence, enthusiasm, and hygiene throughout the day.

Expect the (Un)Expected

- Psychometric Tests: Be prepared for tests assessing skills, intelligence, and personality.

- Dining with Employers: Depending on the role, it might be worth brushing up on your dining etiquette, as you may be asked to share a meal!

- Repeated Questions: Some questions from the first interview may be asked again, along with new ones. Keep your answers consistent yet fresh.

- Behavioural Questions: Prepare for in-depth behavioural questions, even if they weren’t asked previously.

Evaluate Carefully

- Listen for Clues: Pay attention to what the interviewer says about the ideal candidate to understand the role's demands.

- Ask Insightful Questions: Use this opportunity to ask detailed, sophisticated questions that showcase your deep research into the company and role.

Closing the Interview

- Clarify Next Steps: Inquire about the next steps in the hiring process, decision timelines, and how you will be informed.

- Take Notes: Keep a notepad handy to jot down important information and names.

The Don’ts

Avoid Complacency in Preparation

- Don't neglect reflecting on the first interview: Identify and plan to overcome any difficulties you faced previously. Bring new accomplishments, examples, and knowledge to the table.

- Don't dress casually: Maintain your professional attire. It's better to be overdressed than underdressed - unless you felt significantly overdressed the first time.

Manage Expectations

- Don't be unprepared for salary and benefits discussions: Be ready for discussions about salary, benefits, travel, and relocation. Defer salary negotiations until an offer is made, and request a few days to consider any offer.

- Don't assume all interviewers are trained: Some interviewers might lack formal training. Stay composed and adaptable.

- Don't focus on just one person in panel interviews: If interviewed by multiple people, make eye contact with everyone, not just the questioner.

Evaluate All Interactions

- Don't underestimate the length of the day: The second interview might include multiple interviews, workplace tours, and meals, making for a lengthy process.

- Don't ignore anyone: Interact with receptionists and potential colleagues to gauge the company culture and leave a positive impression.

Conclude Thoughtfully

- Don't forget to take immediate notes: Between or right after interviews, jot down your thoughts to evaluate the experience and aid in follow-ups.

- Don't neglect thank-you notes: Email or write a thank-you note to everyone you met, including something personal from your conversation to make a lasting impression.

Navigating a second interview can be challenging, but with thorough preparation and the right mindset, you can excel and leave a positive, lasting impression.  If you're still feeling nervous about a second interview, or you're still looking to secure a first interview, get in touch with our amazing team who help support you all the way through your job hunt!